Thursday, November 12, 2015

PE7: Reflection and Revised Goals

I think I learned a lot in the first half of Japanese 101! My pitch patterns are getting better, and my speed is definitely starting to improve (although I still have to stop and think about grammar sometimes). My articulation isn't terrible, but anime shadowing tells me there's more work to be done there.

I haven't been following my plan perfectly, but it's going well so far, so I'm going to keep the same plan but focus on the things I haven't been following.
Revised plan:
1. Speak more often at Japanese Table. Don't just listen!
2. Go to Shibata Sensei's office hours weekly or minimum biweekly if scheduling is difficult
3. Do more extra PE exercises
4. Learn a few Japanese songs (or parts of songs) that I enjoy
5. Listen to more Japanese audio, (~10 min/day)

Tuesday, November 10, 2015